Senin, 29 April 2013

Softskill English to Make a Conversations

Conversations between Susan Bomes and Mr. Harris
Susan                    : Hello, good morning Mr. Harris. Can we talk a second I just want to tell you something
Mr. Harris             : Morning Susan, yes just come in. What happen?
Susan                    : Hm, I just want to tell you that I want to quit from my job.
Mr. Harris             : What? Why you want to quit?
Susan                    : I want to get married with someone so I choose I’am quit from my job.
Mr.Harris              : Please don’t Susan, you are a good clerk-typist in my office.
Susan                    : But I have to Sir, I must quit from my job.
Mr. Harris             : There is a problem with the work I give to  you?
Susan                    : No Mr. Harris there is no problem for me to do your job for me
Mr. Harris             : So please don’t quit from my office, I’ll increase your salary if you stay in my office
Susan                    : Its not about the salary but I have to quit from my job Sir
Mr. Harris             : But don’t quit until 3 months because our office have some job and I want you to do   
Susan                    : Its okay sir 3 months its not very long I’ll do my best in this office
Mr. Harris             : Thanks Susan, I appreciate that.
Susan                    : Yes Sir, your welcome. And so do I, I’m so thankfull to you Sir.
Mr. Harris             : Its okay Susan, whenever you want to to come back here I’ll take it
Susan                    : Oh thank you so much Mr. Harris you’re such a good Boss

Writing - High Cost Economy in Indonesia

High Cost Economy In Indonesia
Competitiveness is determined by many factors, including external and internal factors. External factors closely related to competitiveness and comparative advantages of other countries who became Indonesia's competitors. For example, X products made ​​in China that have very cheap prices and huge production scale is difficult to rivaled by Indonesia, making Indonesia the low competitiveness of the product X when compared with China. In addition to external factors, there are also internal factors that determine the competitiveness of the product, especially with regard to domestic factors, including human resources / employment, investment, production costs, and technology. These internal factors that require improvement and repair via a comprehensive government policy.
Low competitiveness of Indonesian products in international trade, which are influenced by internal factors of the domestic economy can be attributed to the high cost or high cost economy that still exist in the national economy. There are several aspects that lead to high cost economy in Indonesia, among other labor problems, problems of credit interest rate / high borrowing costs, bureaucracy / politics is not the least costly, and infrastructure issues. Five aspects will be discussed further to analyze the causes of high cost economy in Indonesia, which impact on the weak competitiveness of domestic products compared with products made in China.
1.      Labor Issues

Problems of labor / labor is one of the causes of high cost economy in Indonesia. This also led to the competitiveness of Indonesian children's products made ​​it difficult to compete with similar products made ​​in China. Widjanarko Tjokroadosumarto, Toys Indonesian Employers Association chairman (APMI) revealed differences in the treatment of the workers there, which led to the high cost economy. Workers in China earn better facilities than workers in Indonesia. [Iii] Despite only receiving a salary of $ 100, laborers in China generally do not need to rent a house because the local government worker who rented bungalow is available at a cheap price. Another case with workers in Indonesia are 30% of the salary used for the cost of the contract.

2.      Bureaucratic problems

Bureaucracy and political factors believed to be one of the main causes of high cost economy in Indonesia. Bureaucratic costs, both official and unofficial in some areas can reach 20% of the cost of production. The high cost of the bureaucracy will ultimately lead to the price of output produced Indonesia became more expensive when compared with products made in China. Furthermore, the cost of high cost economy due to the bureaucratic costs will also make the cost of Indonesia's exports are higher than its competitors, including China.

3.      Interest Rate Credit Problems

Unlike the interest rate in China is relatively low in order to support the growth of their industry, mortgage interest rates are still high in Indonesia. This has implications for the interest rate on the higher costs of loan that must be borne by the company to obtain financing.

Furthermore, interest rates People's Business Credit (KUR), which is the most potent source of funding for the SME sector in Indonesia is people lending rates second highest in the world, after Myanmar. [V] As, ideally lending rate which is applied to the development of the sector SMEs should be in the single digits or a maximum level of 10%. In fact, the current interest rate for micro KUR in Indonesia over Rp 20 million for loans down by 22%. Meanwhile, retail KUR interest rates for loans of Rp 20 million to Rp 500 million, amounting to 14%. Meanwhile, lending rates in China and Thailand ranged only at the level of 4-8%. Therefore, industrial products China and Thailand have higher competitiveness than Indonesian products.

4.      Infrastructure problems

Infrastructure problems in Indonesia is not optimal quality of road infrastructure, as there are many. lane roads damaged in the economy, limited access of the center - the central area of production to marketing, as well as to urban outlets and the existing highway is not optimal support regional development. Declining quality of existing road infrastructure in economic lines, especially in the East Cross northern coast of Java and Sumatra, which caused excessive charge and dimensions, as well as limited maintenance funds. This resulted in vehicle operating costs and the costs of moving goods become expensive and competitive levels decreased.

Kamis, 04 April 2013

Softskill English to Make a Conversations

Conversation between two business people and begin to compare working conditions in their country.
Ihsan     : Hey, how do you do?
Phil        : How do you do, nice to meet you.
Ihsan     : Nice to meet you too. How are you?
Phil        : I’m fine. And you?
Ihsan     : I’m very fine. What’s your name?
Phil        : My name is Phil, and you?
Ihsan     : My name is Ihsan. And where are you come from Phil?
Phil        : I’m from Singapore and you?
Ihsan     : I’m from Indonesia. Where are you working Phil?
Phil        : I’m working in one private company there, and you San?
Ihsan     : I’m working at Bank
Phil        : How long you live in Indonesia?
Ihsan     : Since I was born of course and you?
Phil        : I live in Singapore about 3-5 years, I’ve moved from Hongkong to Singapore
Ihsan     : That’s sounds great.
Phil        : Yeah sure, can we compare our country conditions each other?
Ihsan     : Of course Phil that’ll fun. Hm, okay how in your country do job security?
Phil        : In my country job security is not very needed because in my country very safe but sometimes  
   there’s a company wanna hire a security for keep their company. And how in Indonesia?
Ihsan     : In my country job security is very needed because in my country sometimes there’s a crime so
               every company must have a security for keeping the company.
Phil        : Wow.. And how about the salaries?
Ihsan     : In my country the salaries is too low for every employee and your country?
 Phil       : The salaries in my country is high enough because in my country always appreciate every
                worker do.
Ihsan     : Yes I know but sometimes in my country too.
Phil        : How about the promotion in your country?
Ihsan     : In my country to do a promotion very easy is about 3-6 months. And yours?
Phil        : In my country to do a promotion about 6 months-1 year, its so hard you know that your  
   Country, and how about the decision making. Does your country good in a decision making?
Ihsan     : Of course, every company in every country must have a gid decision making because it can
   affect the performance of employee.
Phil        : Yes I do agree of that. And so do I in my country they have a good decision making too.
Ihsan     : And whats the benefits in your country?
Phil        : There’s so much benefits in my country. And yours?
Ihsan     : And of course in my country there’s so much in my country especially in the natural resources,
  I’m very proud of my country. But sometimes there’s a group who wants to exloit our natural
Phil       : I’m so sad to heard that San, but thank you for your time we have a long conversations right?
Ihsan     : Yes Phil, and I hope our discussion can be useful for our country. Thanks for your time Phil
Phil        : Your welcome Ihsan, I’m so glad to have conversations with you. See you San
Ihsan     : See you Phil.

Softskill English to Make a Paragraph about Bank Sector in Indonesia


A bank is a financial institution and a financial intermediary that accepts deposits and channels those deposits into lending activities, either directly by loaning or indirectly through capital markets. A bank is the connection between customers that have capital deficits and customers with capital surpluses.
Due to their influence within a financial system and an economy, banks are generally highly regulated in most countries. Most banks operate under a system known as fractional reserve banking where they hold only a small reserve of the funds deposited and lend out the rest for profit. They are generally subject to minimum capital requirements which are based on an international set of capital standards, known as the Basel Accords.
One of the Bank in Indonesia isBank Mandiri, headquartered in Jakarta,is the largest bank in Indonesia in term of assets, loans and deposits. Total assets as of Q3 2012 were IDR 588.4 trillion (or USD 59.8 billion). It also has Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) of 16,08% (including market risk), Return on Asset (RoA) of 3.45%, and Return on Equity (RoE) of 22.18%. As of September 2012, Bank Mandiri is the first largest bank in Indonesia by total assets.
By September 2012, the bank had 1733 branches spread across three different time zones in the Indonesian archipelago and six branches abroad, about 11.000 Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs), and six principal subsidiaries: Bank Syariah Mandiri, Mandiri Sekuritas, Mandiri Tunas Finance, AXA Mandiri Financial Services, Bank Sinar Harapan Bali, and Mandiri AXA General Insurance.
Museum Mandiri, the former building of Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij that was nationalized after the independence period.
Bank Mandiri is the result of the merger made by Indonesian Government from four older government-owned banks that had failed in 1998. Those four banks were Bank Bumi Daya (BBD), Bank Dagang Negara (BDN), Bank Expor Impor (Exim), and Bank Pembangunan Indonesia (Bapindo). During the amalgamation and reorganization, the government reduced the number of branches by 194 and the number of personnel from 26,600 to 17,620.
  • 1951: Bank Industri Negara (BIN) was established to finance priority sectors, such as plantations, industry and mining.
  • 1959: The Indonesia government nationalized Nationale Handelsbank’s operations in Indonesia and from them created Bank Umum Negara.
  • 1960: The Indonesia government nationalized the Indonesian operations of two more Dutch banks. It used Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij’s operations to create Bank Ekspor Impor Indonesia. Escomptobank became Bank Dagang Negara. The government also established the state-owned Bank Pembangunan Indonesia (Bapindo) and merged BIN into it. Bapindo specialized in medium and long-term financing of manufacturing, tourism and transportation.
  • 1964: The Indonesia government nationalized Chartered Bank’s operations in Indonesia and merged them into Bank Umum Negara. Chartered Bank, a British overseas bank, had first entered Indonesia in 1863 when it opened an agency in Batavia.
  • 1965: The Indonesia government brought Bank Umum Negara into the Bank Negara Indonesia group, renaming it Bank Negara Indonesia Unit IV (BNI IV). Similarly, Bank Ekspor Impor Indonesia became Bank Negara Indonesia Unit II (BNI II).
  • 1968: The Indonesian government again reorganized some banks. BNI IV became an independent bank with the name Bank Bumi Daya. The government split BNI II into two parts, with the BNI Unit II Export-Import Division becoming BankExim, which specialized in trade finance.
  • 1986: Bapindo expanded into general commercial banking.
  • 1999: The government merged Bank Bumi Daya, Bank Dagang Negara, Bank Ekspor Impor Indonesia and Bank Pembangunan Indonesia to create Bank Mandiri.
  • 2004: The bank opened a branch in Dili (East Timor), and a representative office in Shanghai (China).
As part of Bank Mandiri culture program, Bank Mandiri established their culture value known as TIPCE that stands for:
  1. Trust
  2. Integrity
  3. Professionalism
  4. Customer Value
  5. Excellence
Based on mystery shopper method done by surveyor, in 2011 Bank Mandiri got average value 91.23 percent, a first time for a bank got more than 90 percent over 15 years survey. Bank Mandiri got Service Excellence Award for 4 times consecutives and got The Most Consistent Bank for 2 times.

Wikipedia, (Online), ( , diakses tanggal 01 april 2013)